Public Display of Everything by Cara Dee

21799352Title: Public Display of Everything
Author: Cara Dee
Publisher: Self-published
Release Date: April 5, 2014
Genre(s): Contemporary
Page Length: 161 pages
Reviewed by: Renée
Heat Level:  4 flames out of 5
Rating:  5 stars out of 5
A Gay Book Reviews 5+ star read!

“Is there a voyeur inside you? Or are you the one who would like an audience in the bedroom?”

Cory can’t keep a job. Flynn has a job he can no longer hide behind. A simple proposition in an effort to solve both of their problems leads two young men to confront the heartbreaks of their pasts in order to make a future together.

What starts as an innocent bit of voyeurism turns into a public display of…everything.

You know you like to watch.

This one will officially hit my all-time greats shelf! It wasn’t perfect, but it was perfect for me! I would’ve NEVER read this book based on blurb alone. Voyeurism and exhibitionism – not for me. But that really had fuck all to do with this book. I trust several GR peeps. And they rarely let me down.

This author has become an autobuy for me! I discovered her on Friday and went through each of her m/m books throughout the course of the weekend. I’m hooked. And this was her best one! I am so totally in love with BOTH of these MCs.

Flynn – he stole my heart. He thinks very literally. It was so endearing! He is so innocent, but hot damn between the sheets. And Cory (Cory Mathews – Boy Meets World, anyone?) was just so lovable. How he could bounce back and be so content with life after being beaten down so many times. I just admire him so much. These two were so perfect for each other.

Such a simple sweet romance that hit all my buttons at exactly the right time. Read this book!


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