Welcome to Gay Book Reviews!
Welcome to Gay Book Reviews! We are a M/M themed book review site that was started in 2008 by Wave. In January 2014, Wave decided to close Gay Book Reviews and the site remained archived until July, 2015.
My name is Gigi and I am the new owner of Gay Book Reviews. I started reading M/M romance in 2012 and Jessewave was my favorite site for honest M/M romance reviews. I liked that when the reviewer didn’t like the book, they said so and gave reasons why. I also trusted the positive reviews and read many, many of their recommendations, agreeing with most of them.
When Wave posted that she was closing the site, I emailed her and asked to buy it from her. She did not reply as I am sure she had many, many offers to buy the site and keep it open. I have been reading and reviewing at GoodReads since 2012 and really enjoy the comradely and getting feedback for my reviews. I decided to open my own review site called Gay Book Reviews but couldn’t stop thinking about Jessewave and their huge library of already reviewed books. I decided to write Wave again and used my new review site as an example to her that I knew what I was doing as far as running a review website. Talks continued from there and PRESTO! We came to an agreement and Gay Book Reviews is open and reviewing once again.
A few things have changed but most will remain the same. We’ve added a new batch of excellent reviewers, revised our Reviewer Rules and Regulations and expanded the genres for the books we will be reviewing. Please see our new FAQ section for a list of genres now included. As far as staying the same, we will continue to provide fair and honest reviews for all books reviewed on the site. I believe this is key to making sure we build trust with our readers so they can feel confident on what they spend their hard-earned money on and their limited free time reading. That, in a nut shell, is what makes Gay Book Reviews great! We will be doing some extra promotion on the site, like book tours and author interviews, but we will only be doing this for books that we can get behind and recommend to our readers. If you see any extra promotion, please be assured it is done so with no financial compensation and because we have either already read the book and can recommend it or, if we haven’t read the book yet, it is by an author that we are fans of and can recommend most (if not all) of their other works.
A bit about me, Gigi: My real name is Jennifer, just like 25% of the US female population over 40, so I go by “gigi” online to avoid confusion. I am a rabid fan of M/M romance books and enjoying spending most of my free time reading them. I run my own business which gives me a bit of extra flexibility when reading. I am on the wrong side of 40, have been married for 21 years, have a 16-year-old daughter who is currently a walking, mumbling hormone, 3 beloved dogs and a grumpy (but in the most adorable way), geriatric cat name Mo Kitten. When I’m not working or reading, I volunteer at our local Humane Society in the dog training department. I also have a R.E.A.D. (Reading Education Assistance Dog) named Myrtle and we enjoy visiting schools and libraries, helping children read without fear of being critiqued. Crazy Dog Lady? Absolutely!
Please visit my profile page of a listing of my favorite books and what I am currently reading.
I will be attending GRL 2015 and I genuinely hope to meet some of you!
Thank you for visiting and we hope to bring you many, many more years of M/M themed book reviews!

Gigi’s pups: Myrtle, Edward and Mabel
The Original Jessewave “About”
Here are a few facts about me (Wave) ……
Canada is my home. I love to read … all kinds of books …. from biographies to regular fiction, murder mysteries to romances, fantasies and science fiction, and everything in between, or I wouldn’t be here. I have been reading since forever and don’t intend to stop.
I have reviewed romance books for other sites and blogs since 2006 and decided to set up the blog on April 8, 2008 on the advice of my friend Kimberly, since this gave me the ability to review only those books I wanted to, in my preferred subgenre of Male/Male romances which I love because of the characterizations and the stories. I moved to this website in July 2009 because the blog had a few built-in constraints and limitations affecting its efficiency as well as service. Hopefully the website will give bloggers a pleasant experience when logging on and while visiting. Please be patient as there’s still a lot of work to be done.
I couldn’t do this on my own and I want to express my sincere appreciation to the guest reviewers who are also my friends. My heartfelt thanks to Aunt Lynn, Jenre, Kassa,, Lily, Tj, Buda, John, Feliz, Val, Cole and Tam who writes all of the fun posts that you enjoy so much. Also thanks to all the guest bloggers who talk about topics close to their hearts. To Christian aka Shoganrea, who is our Webmaster and without whom this website would not have been possible, I owe you everything. To the ‘regulars’ on the blog — you rock!
A huge thank-you to Erastes, a wonderful and very successful author of mostly historical M/M romances, who has written many great posts for the site.
To Josh Lanyon our newest author contributor, whose monthly columns are a source of insightful and technical advice on writing for authors – my grateful thanks and appreciation. Josh is well known in the M/M world and he writes mainly murder mysteries and action/adventure stories – he has an extremely busy schedule and we are very lucky to have him as our author contributor.
Ethan Day, another author whose books I love, is now a semi regular contributor on the site. Ethan writes columns mostly about why the trajectory of his life is so different from everyone else’s. Ethan you rock every which way and upside down.
Enjoy your visit and please come back soon.
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