Title: Pawsitively in Love
Author: M.J. O’Shea
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Release Date: March 4th, 2016
Genre(s): m/m Contemporary
Page Count: 198 Pages
Reviewed by: Jaime
Heat Level: 3 flames out of 5
Rating: 3 stars out of 5
What Austin Lloyd lacks in academics, he makes up for in his love of the animals who frequent his pet salon. He’s not lucky in romance, though, and his family would like him to settle down with a good man. Austin—and his golden retriever, Maggie—couldn’t agree more.
Evan Partridge isn’t good at letting people in. His messy family life and the past that’s shaped him aren’t worth bringing up. But his pug, Dexter, sure likes the pet salon owner.
Austin and Evan get off to a rough start, but being friends soon turns into something more. Unfortunately, Evan’s secretive behavior nearly does the relationship in, and the budding love affair almost crashes and burns when Evan’s troubled sister shows up on his doorstep.
Not speaking to each other is killing them both, but Evan doesn’t know how to keep Austin and help his sister at the same time. He just knows he has to try. Winning back Austin’s trust back, however, is going to take a whole lot of work.
3 stars to Pawsitively in love — Evan and Austin are 2 MC who love their doggies but the book seemed kind of one dimensional and lacked the FEELZ I need to really get into a book. I found myself rolling my eyes a lot in this book and when Evans sister showed up, she didn’t portray depression or mental illness but rather a spoiled bitch woman who throws fits and Evan who is spineless and let’s her walk all over him. If she was suppose to have some form of mental illness then it was missed by a mile and I am sorry but It totally ruined this book for me.
Overall, it was shaping up to be a cute book until 80% when we needed a conflict so it’s like the author just decided that Evans sister would be the perfect conflict and made her as obnoxious as possible while ripping out Evans spine making him willy-nilly, making him treat Austin like crap… And then with a rushed ending and Evan sorta having it out with his sister – Evan then decides he wants Austin back. So guess what..Austin just forgives it all and takes Evan back… Yeah …No! Very shallow and poor conflict, poor resolution.. Totally ruined the book for me.
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