Out in the Field Cover Reveal + Giveaway

Out in the Field Promo

Gay Book Review is especially thrilled to reveal the cover to the second edition of Kate McMurray’s M/M Baseball romance !

From Kate:
When I wrote the first edition of Out in the Field back in 2011 (read Wave’s first edition review here), sports romances, let alone LGBT sports romances, were hard to come by. I think it speaks to how fast-paced the last few years have been that not only have sports romances gained increasing attention and popularity—although, in my opinion, sports are rife for romance—but professional athletes have come out of the closet. There is no active out gay player in the current MLB, but enough talented college athletes have come out that it’s likely only a matter of time until baseball gets a real Iggy Rodriguez.

I will always have a soft spot for this book and these characters. I’ve been a huge baseball fan my whole life, and this was really the book of my heart when I wrote it. This new edition has been thoroughly reedited. I’ve expanded some scenes and trimmed others—it’s got about 5,000 words of new material now, all told. I updated the book, too, for 2016. (No more flip phones, for one thing, but also to acknowledge the progress LGBT athletes have made in the 5 years since I wrote the first draft.) My hope is that readers who loved the first edition will enjoy revisiting these characters, and that I reach a lot of new readers as well who might want to spend a little time with Matt and Iggy and the Brooklyn Eagles.

Out In The Field Cover Reveal
Title: Out in the Field (Second Edition)
Author: Kate McMurray
Release Date: May 13, 2016
Genre(s): Contemporary Baseball Romance
Page Count: 200+

Matt Blanco is a legend on the Brooklyn Eagles, but time and injuries have taken their toll. With his career nearing its end, he’s almost made it to retirement without anyone learning his biggest secret: he’s gay in a profession not particularly known for its tolerance.

Iggy Rodriquez is the hot new rookie in town, landing a position in the starting lineup of the team of his dreams and playing alongside his idol, Matt Blanco. Iggy doesn’t think it can get any better, until an unexpected encounter in the locker room with Matt proves him wrong.

A relationship—and everything it could reveal—has never been in the cards for Matt, but Iggy has him rethinking his priorities. They fall hard for each other, struggling to make it through trades, endorsement deals, and the threat of retirement. Ultimately they will be faced with a choice: love or baseball?

The Cover!

Out In The Field

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Kate’s Bio

Kate McMurray
Kate McMurray is an award-winning romance author and an unabashed romance fan. When she’s not writing, she works as a nonfiction editor, dabbles in various crafts, and is maybe a tiny bit obsessed with base­ball. She has served as President of Rainbow Romance Writers, the LGBT romance chapter of Romance Writers of America, and is currently on the board of RWA’s New York City chapter. She lives in Brooklyn, NY.

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