A Shot of Cupid

a shot of cupid
Title: A Shot of Cupid
Author: Elizabeth Wilde
Publisher: NineStar Press
Release Date: February 8th, 2016
Genre(s): Paranormal, Romance, Contemporary
Page Count: Novelette
Reviewed by: PrinCkhera
Heat Level: 1 flame out of 5
Rating: 3.4 stars out of 5

Connor’s life is always an absolute disaster around Valentine’s Day. Since he was just a kid, he’s had the power to see people’s soulmates and bring them together with a well-placed blow, and Valentine’s is his busiest season. Love has always been nothing more than a job to him at best, and a curse at worst. So when the beautiful Simon takes a barstool and buys Connor a drink, he looks like just another lonely soul in need of saving.

But, in Connor’s life, things are rarely that simple, and in the search for Simon’s soulmate, lines begin to blur.

For a man who knows so much about falling in love, Connor never could’ve imagined a day when it might happen to him. As he experiences life like never before, Connor starts to realize that love might not be such a curse after all.

Until he has to hand Simon over to his soulmate, anyway.

The whole idea behind this little book called to me and I’m glad I answered. In a few short words, this is a sweet paranormal story which will put a smile on your face.

Nothing too complicated goes on, and frankly it’s not necessary. The story flowed just right, though at times I wondered how Connor could possibly be so oblivious.

Simon’s smile is one of those rare gems. It reaches his eyes and gives him lines in all the places a smile should.

It is just so obvious, that I wanted to smack Connor with one of his arrows so that he’d get his head on straight.

Not with the way Simon makes it so damn easy to sleep at night, to stand upright under the weight of fate, to reach down and pull out a dose of love to smack someone upside the head with.

Short stories like this run the risk of feeling rushed – not covering all the bases and being unable to connect with their audience. Not being able to connect with the character on any level is usually not a good sign, but Ms. Wilde circumvented all of these potential issues and presented a story I actually enjoyed reading and didn’t feel put off by.

It a cute story that whenever you have an hour (even less for most) to spare would pass the time adequately.

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Galley copy of A Shot of Cupid provided by NineStar Press in exchange of an honest review.

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