Eva Clancy is our final new M/M author whose flash portrait is being posted on the site this year. I hope you, the readers, enjoyed all of the profiles of the authors who have been featured in this very short series, and maybe I’ll do this again next year.
Please feel free to ask Eva any questions to which you would like answers because, as you know, I don’t ask the questions in author portraits, you do.
Here’s Eva’s portrait:
I’m in love, I’m in love, I’M IN LOVE!
It’s taken me time to find The One – I turn 40 next year – and I’ve made a few mistakes along the way. The biggest one was when I was just a kid.
In my early teens, I met Romance. We had a pretty intense thing going until one day I met this piece of Worthy Literary Fiction. What can I say? I thought he was cool (that was back in the days when I thought miserable meant deep). I played around with him and ended up leaving Romance altogether. Worthy Literary Fiction moved in with me – we bought some beautiful bookshelves – and everything was fine. Then one day I looked at him and thought: I don’t love you anymore – in fact, I don’t think I ever loved you.
That was a Damascene moment, my friends.
I left him, crawled back to Romance with my tail between my legs and begged to be taken back. The trouble was, I’d been gone 15 long years. I’ll always love you, Romance said, but things have changed. I’ve grown.
Oh yeah, was that ever true! And you know what, I admit it, I went a little crazy. Paranormal, historical, BDSM. I tried them all. It was a lot of fun and I met some great Romances. I even started writing. And then it happened.
I got an e-reader. Soon enough I was downloading the first Adrien English mystery, then the next and the next. I branched out, discovered authors I’d never read before: Jordan Castillo Price, Alex Beecroft, Harper Fox – too many to count! It was amazing. I realised that I had discovered The Love of My Reading Life: M/M romance. He’s amazing. Varied, rich, emotional, sexy, funny, tragic, meaningful, light. Everything a reader could want.
This time, it’s for keeps.
Maybe This Time will be released next March by Dreamspinner Press.
Eva Clancy’s Contact Information
It’s actuall? after midnight here in the UK so I’m off to bed now but thanks for your comments and I’ll visit again tomorrow to answer any others.
In the meantime, thanks for having me, Wave!
It’s actuall? after midnight here in the UK so I’m off to bed now but thanks for your comments and I’ll visit again tomorrow to answer any others.
In the meantime, thanks for having me, Wave!
Thanks Sammy! There’s no BDSM in these stories (though there was some light BDSM in my first MFM story so it’s definitely on the menu for future stories).
I love writing contemp real world flawed characters that (hopefully) talk, think and act in a realistic way. If I could choose what readers liked about my stories, it would be that!
I’m an avid reader and get at least half my recomendations here at Jessewave! I adore Josh Lanyon, Harper Fox, J L Merrow, Mercy Celeste, Damon Suede, L B Gregg, Ava March, Jordan Castillo Price, Janey Chapel – loads of people. I recently loved new author Xanthe Walter’s “Ricochet”. And I love yaoi. I’m not fussy about genre, it’s all about characters for me.
Eva welcome!!! I am so excited to read some of your work!! So what genre do you feel is your place to shine?? And are there elements of BDSM in your latest novel??
And here is the tough question. In your own personal reading Fav author?? Fav genre??
All the best to you!!
Hi Sirius – no offence taken – it’s a fair question, though I do now feel huge pressure to come up with a USP, lol! 😎
So far, I’ve published two UK-set contemp M/M novellas but my current WIPs are a historical May/December M/M romance and a UF set partly in our world and partly in a dreamworld – so I’m exploring lots of stuff! The key element all of my stories share is that the romance between the protagonists is front and centre, and physical. Sexy and emotional is what I aim for.
Finally, as I’m a Brit, my stories are set in the UK, with the characters speaking a distinct UK idiom – hopefully that gives them an authentic feel and an interesting setting. Personally, I love reading stories set where I am not; I love how revealing fiction can be about a place. Recently I’ve been loving contemp M/M Westerns but would never attempt one! 😀
OOOOO historical romance and UK settings – definitely will be waiting
Thanks so muich for answering.
Hi Bogusia! I’m glad you liked the Christmas story!
Maybe This Time is the story of two men who keep meeting but never getting together. It starts when they’re leaving school, continues at a wedding a decade later and comes to a climax when they meet again in a gay nightclub another decade later. It was inspired by hearing the Erasure song “Stop” on the radio one day – that song reminded me of the local bar/club I used to go to when I was 17, just before leaving home. The description of the dingy club in the first chapter are of that place!
Hi Eva, today is the first time I have ever heard of you, which is understandable of course with you being a new author :). How do your stories differ from many books already on the market? I mean, I get that you write romances, but are they purely romances, or are you also writing romantic mysteries? Are you planning on writing a scifi book? Maybe your romances have unusual twists which could not be found in too many books?
I guess I would love you to convince me to give your books a chance? I hope I am not sounding rude because I want something from you :), it is just while I understand your on and off love affair with romance as a reader from your profile, I am not entirely sure whether I understand who you are as a writer
I just finished and enjoyed your ‘Mr. Perfect’s Christmas’ and I am looking forward to reading more of your books
‘Maybe This Time’ has a such nice cover!
So, what’s your new book about?