Title: The Telling
Author: Eden Winters
Genre: Contemporary M/M
Length: Novel
Rating: 5 stars out of 5
A Guest review by John
Time spent in Iraq cost Michael Ritter more than just the hearing in one ear. It cost him a friend, one whose death he feels responsible for. When he eagerly left Alabama for what he believed would be a grand adventure, he thought to escape his small hometown and the life that awaited him there. A lot can happen in four years, and now Michael’s back, bringing a duffle full of personal demons with him.
Four years ago Jay Ortiz left home for the first time to attend college, in a place where his both his heritage and his orientation aren’t widely accepted. While adjusting to his new surroundings, he found a picture of a young soldier. During dark and lonely times he confided in the image of the stoic young man, until one day he discovered that he’d given his heart away to someone he’d never met. Now that man was coming home…
In a world of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, there comes a time when you have to decide who and what you are.
This is my first time reviewing a book. I’ve commented here at Wave’s blog many times, but never figured I’d have the chance to do a review. Thank you, Wave!
The blurb is very accurate for The Telling. Michael has been away from his family for 4 years serving in the Army and now he is almost home. He left home a kid, seeking adventure, and he comes back with wounds not physically visible. In this story we journey with him as he deals with getting his life back together. And from the first, we learn that Michael thinks he might be gay. He had the girlfriends in high school as he attempted to do what everyone in his small town expected. But his heart just wasn’t in it. He’s afraid of what the bigoted rednecks will say, what his mom, sister, and grandparents will do. But he’s tired of hiding and tired of being alone.
Angie, his half-sister, picks him up at the Atlanta airport after his discharge and immediately starts filling him on what he has missed. Well, he hasn’t missed much because life doesn’t change much in his small town. Michael admires his sister because of what she has overcome and how she is making something of herself. They are both concerned about their mom, Sarah, who has married and divorced several men, mostly losers. The last step-father was verbally and physically abusive to Michael.
From the small apartment over his mom’s bookstore, Michael begins his healing. He is suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome and survivor’s guilt. Dreams haunt his sleep of an ambush by the enemy in Iraq. Michael survives, but one of his best friends, Jimmy, dies. Why? Why wasn’t he stationed in his normal position within the convoy?
The author of this sad, but heartening and then exhilarating story, takes us on this journey one step at a time. The story of the ambush comes out in little snippets, in a nightmare, a flashback in the midst of a party, and in Michael’s therapy sessions. We read of his fear to ‘come out’ to his mom, sister, and grandparents. His attraction to Jay, and Jay’s attraction to him. Their slow and halting feeling each other out and then the avalanche of feelings and actions as they make love the first time.
Michael fears that Jay will tire of his slow healing, but Jay has experienced what Michael is going through with a cousin and is willing to help all he can.
Jay is dealing with his own issues. He is gay and Hispanic in a small town in the deep south. But his heart is solid gold. He’s a good guy. He is already loved and accepted by Angie, Sarah, and Michael’s grandparents. Jay has been in love with Michael for 4 years, since he first saw a picture of Michael as a brand new soldier. But can Michael return his love?
So much angst and self doubt in our two heroes. Can they get beyond their problems and make each other whole?
After I first read The Telling, I emailed Eden Winters and praised her book. She wrote back and commented that the process of writing was a form of therapy for her. I asked her to explain. She says that she sees parts of her life experiences in each of the main characters. She also says that the sex scenes are the first she’s ever written. I think she did just fine.
Oh, and if you cry easily, then keep the tissues handy. There’s a big tear jerker in one of Michael’s therapy sessions.
There were times when I didn’t understand Michael’s fear of wide open spaces. I farm and ranch, I can’t relate. But then I can relate when Michael fears coming out to his family. I haven’t told my dad or my sister that I’m gay. And how will my church family react? Business acquaintances?
The Telling is an excellent book! (There are some misspellings, but it wasn’t professionally edited.) And since it is free, share with your friends guilt free. I rate it at least a 5, maybe even a DIK.
Eden also told me that a sequel is planned.
Thanks again for this opportunity Wave.
John is a regular on the site and he was so enthused about this book that I asked him to write a review. I was pleasantly surprised at how well he did. Thanks again John – much appeciated.
The Telling is a free, self published book which was donated by the author, Eden Winters, and is available for download at this link.
Eden’s books are available from Torquere Press at this
John, you hit a lot of the things that I loved about this book, especially the confrontation with the step-father.
what a warm circle of incredibleness. :0)
John – Very impressive first review. You did a great job! The personal parts really added something to it.
Eden – Thank you so much for offering this to us all. It’s very well written. I just finished reading this last night and loved it. Looking forward to the next one.
Wonderful review, John!
I downloaded this a few days ago but haven’t read it yet. I think I need to move it up the TBR pile.
I really liked the book. I was waiting for Michael to deal with his stepfather and when it happened – I wasn’t disappointed. Michael was easy to sympathize with and, yes, that scene in therapy was terrific. It’s also a great thing we will get the sequel with Terry and Ryan.
And, John, I really liked your review, especially the personal touch. I would certainly like to read another.
Thank you LadyM. Terry and Ryan in the sequel? Is that some inside information I haven’t heard about? Ryan is way too good for Terry, Eden. But you write it like you want to.
Yes, that scene with the evil step father was very satisfying.
No inside information. ^^
Eden said it in the reply to this post: https://gaybook.reviews/?p=18334
The blog budget was mentioned in your interview with Aunt Lynn.
Keeping it all for yourself? evil grin……..
Yes, it is true. I have been sending naked pictures of men to Wave for the Friday guys feature. But there is no reason to start searching for my handsome and manly face in past postings. To the best of my knowledge, no naked pics exist and I’m going to keep it that way. But if you like long, tall, Texans in tight wranglers, that’s me.
Long tall Texans in Wranglers? Who read my books? John, you’re my dream man!
>>the thought did occur that Wave would be sneaky and lure me in. But then the thought of having access to all the blog travel money, count me in. grin <<
I really don't know where you got the idea that I have a travel budget and that the reviewers fly to different locations. That's so funny.
But Lynn did invite us to Berkeley California so that's something to aim for. She's a fabulous chef!
Huh, I just realized I’m going to be SF in October. Lynn, what time is dinner? LOL
Yes, yes the dinner invite still stands. If any of you make your way to the Bay Area, there is room at my table. 😉 Tam, let me know the dates and we’ll have supper.
Great job on the review, John, and welcome. I just downloaded the book and will be reading it tonight.
And thank you, Eden, for the opportunity.
My pleasure and my continued hopes and prayers for your well being. And as I’ve told one of my other favorite authors M.L. Rhodes, hurry up with the next one!
Leslie and Tam, Thanks for the welcome and the kind words. Tam, the story isn’t a tear jerker from beginning to end, but there are those places that my eyes watered both times I read it. I don’t cry much in public, but in front of my pc, back in my room, I’ll let the tears flow, even then I’ll fight it. Leslie, the thought did occur that Wave would be sneaky and lure me in. But then the thought of having access to all the blog travel money, count me in. grin And Aunt Lynn invited all reviewers to… Read more »
John, thanks so much for your kind words; I’m so glad you liked Jay and Michael’s story. I was very afraid of how this would be received, both because of the lack of an editor and because this story is so much a part of me. I laid myself bare with this one. Many wonderful people did proof it for me but, as I can’t resist picking at it, the errors are all my own. Hopefully they don’t detract too badly from the story. John, thanks so much for the wondeful review; and Wave, thanks for allowing me to share… Read more »
It was my pleasure to post your book for the enjoyment of all the readers on this site. It’s not often that an author makes such a generous gesture and I thought it was only fitting that the readers should be able to thank you.
Looking forward to the sequel. Maybe John might want to review it as well.
Welcome to the fold John. You know she’s going to suck you in and you’ll be working full-time soon right? 😀
I do have this one but haven’t gotten to it yet. I’ll have to wait until I’m in a three hankie mood. Sounds lovely though. Great job.
Don’t listen to Tam. It’s not true – I would only ask you to review another book if you said you wanted to do so. Of course there are many books to entice you, so you never know.
I should thank you for this wonderful review, not the other way around. You did very well and any time you want to write another one please let me know.
What was an eye opener was the little snippet about your own life that you included in the review, which made me understand you a little better.
Now stop sending me naked pictures of yourself – my eyes, my eyes. Kidding!!!
Great review, John, thanks! And thanks for being brave enough to pick up the reviewer’s pen. It’s always a little scary the first time out (and second, and third…) but this review really intrigues me and makes me want to read the book.
And it’s free? Off to download it now! Thanks!
Congratulations on your first review, John.
Very nicely done.
Warmest regards from BNJ.