Hi Josh and thank you once again for indulging the readers, your fans – of which there are many on this site alone, and me. I do appreciate your time commitments and promise every time I interview you (other than that first mega interview) to limit the questions, but it never seems to work. This is what we call a wide ranging interview. 🙂 I’ll start, where else – with Adrien and Jake.
It’s been a year exactly since you wound up the Adrien English series with The Dark Tide after 5 books. The fans have said goodbye but you’re left with a hole in your life and your heart because no one could spend 10 years with two characters and not have them become a significant part of their family. One year later how do you feel about letting the characters go? [Sorry, I don’t have any Kleenex today]
Hey there, Wave. Thanks for having me back again. It’s always a pleasure to visit with you and the gang. (Okay 99.9% of the time.)
Let’s see. Adrien. To be honest, this year has been so busy I’ve hardly noticed that gaping wound where my heart used to beat. *g* Seriously, this has been a hectic, stressful year so I haven’t had much time for regrets. Heck, I haven’t had much time for doing my laundry.
Do you still think it was a good move for them to go off into the sunset when they did?
I know this is not what readers want to hear, but yes. I do think it was the right decision.
Do you feel that everything that should have been said and done in the series has been accomplished?
I do. That said, I’ve pretty much promised readers some kind of follow up — a glimpse into how Adrien and Jake are getting along after the close of The Dark Tide — maybe a little short story set during that Christmas trip to London. I don’t see a full novel at this time, but I agree that it would be fun to check in with A&J somewhere down the line. I love them too!
I know you have one principle in your writing, and that is, to know when to end something, which is why Jake and Adrien are now history. On reflection, if you had to do this over, would you change anything in the story arc and if so, what?
No. I really wouldn’t. And I don’t think readers have come up with any convincing issues that need resolving either. All I hear is that they’d like reassurance that A&J are happy together. I sympathize with that because I know when I love stories I don’t want them to end either. But that’s not really enough of a reason to keep writing a particular series.
Last time I interviewed you, you talked about what surprised you the most in the series, which was that Jake married Kate. On the one hand I understood Jake’s motivation because he never acknowledged being gay until the very end, and always wanted children and the white picket fence. However, when you were writing that episode did you not feel that you were stabbing Adrien in the heart and did you have any idea at the time how you were going to dig yourself out of that hole?
I always knew that Adrien and Jake were going to split up over Kate, and I knew she would get pregnant. The marriage…I did try to see a way around that because it was very painful to write, and I knew readers were going to hate it (I would, if I was reading the series). But once I thought it through, I knew that Jake would of course marry Kate. That’s how he was brought up, it conformed to the things he believed he wanted for himself…it was inevitable.
Awful, but inevitable.
But also inevitable was the fact that such a marriage was unlikely to last. Or, if it did last, it was unlikely to be happy and fulfilling in the way Jake imagined.
The question we all want answered is: Will we ever see or hear from Jake and Adrien again? Maybe in a Christmas story or a short story perhaps when they get married? Lol. I want to know how they’re doing because I’m so afraid that Jake might be missing the BDSM clubs and slipping out when Adrien is not looking. 🙂
I’m hesitant to say yes because then people will be asking when, and I don’t have any immediate plans. I sort of want to wait until I’m longing to revisit Adrien’s world. But…yes. Eventually.
Let’s move on. You have written more than 70 books to date (how many exactly?). Does the writing ever get stale to you? Does it ever seem like another 9 – 5 job? It looks to me like writing is 10% (maybe more) creativity (coming up with ideas) and 90% hard work (implementing the plot bunnies). Is that about right? Does it ever get old? Do you still have fun writing these books that give us such pleasure?
I still love writing. There’s nothing I can think of that I’d rather do for a living. I feel incredibly lucky — blessed — to be able to do what I love and make a living at it. And the fact that it’s not a lavish living is compensated for by the fact that I’m finally doing what I dreamed of doing my entire adult life: writing full time.
But I’ll be the first to admit that I did overstretch — the last year in particular. My schedule was not reasonable and I experienced way more stress than was necessary. Plus, it wasn’t as satisfying from a creative standpoint. I’d have liked to have the time to dig a little deeper, polish and shine a bit more, and to actually enjoy the successes I had. I literally would send one project off and begin the next one the next day. It was ridiculous.
Now on to your newest series – Holmes & Moriarity. I reviewed the first book: Somebody Killed His Editor here 18 months ago (has it been that long?) and book No. 2 – All She Wrote – will be released on December 28. If someone who has never read Somebody Killed His Editor were to ask you why these two characters made you think they would have the longevity for a series, how would you answer that question?
Well, the Holmes & Moriarity series is just a basic cozy mystery series (with a big, fat dollop of sex) and those are designed to run forever. There is a character arc and a relationship arc, but it’s not a heavy, dramatic one and it doesn’t impact that basic premise. Kit and JX could easily go on solving these little mysteries for years while they learn to be a couple together.
What’s different about these guys and this series?
The big difference is much of the series is played for laughs. The emotional core is (I think) solid, but a lot of what happens to Kit is one step from slipping on a banana peel. The humour is broader than I typically indulge in, the crimes are less serious.
Or…let me rephrase. The crimes are all traditional mystery set-ups. Sure, there’s a bigger emphasis on relationship (and a lot more sex) than you’d find in your standard cozy mystery series, but other than that, it’s all (literally) by the book.
As for the guys, I think there’s a real dearth of realistic forty-something protags in m/m fiction, and those that do exist tend to be worried only about sex and relationships. In fact, most forty year old guys I know are primarily freaking out over their careers and their impending mortality and should they have turned left instead of right, and is it too late for them…
Now is that going to end up being commercial? Possibly not. Most protags in this genre are thirty-somethings or younger. So I have no idea whether this series will catch on or not, but I think both books so far have been some of my best writing.
What is it about them that would attract us and make us want to follow their adventures for an entire series? [They are not exactly hot young things, in fact Kit is 40 years old and has been battered by life like anyone who has been around that long, he’s been married once, and now he seems afraid of a relationship with JX, a man who is 5 years younger.]
JX is your normal thirty-something stud. Kit…you have to keep in mind that our view of Kit is shaped by Kit, and Kit’s having a hard time turning forty. But if you look at the forty year old guys around you, most of them are perfectly attractive. Matt Damon, Brad Pitt…heck, George Clooney is nearly fifty!
Part of Kit’s character arc is his coming of age — accepting his age — and that will entail realizing that life doesn’t end at forty.
You always have your story arc planned way in advance, so I know you have the answer to this question: How many books can we look forward to in the Holmes & Moriarity series?
At least five books, but as this is a much simpler series, it could conceivably go longer if readers take to it.
This would not be a Josh Lanyon interview without input from the fans and this time they are very vocal.
So that’s what that eerie howling in the night was!
Sunshine has a number of questions (You would probably consider her a stalker if these characters were real) lol.
I feel that Adrien’s story has sort of been told. He got his man, his health, the house, a cat and a dog, a family and a job he loves and some sidekick detection work. When it comes to Jake, I still find myself wondering about his life and how things will go for him. To me, there are still things left in to tell in Jake’s story. I want to know what it’s like for him to live without fear and without lying to everyone.
I want to know what it is like when he and Adrien are working on the same side and not against each other. (I worry, because his new job feels kind of lonely). [Sunshine is obviously very attached to Adrien and Jake] 🙂
The PI is traditionally a lone wolf, so you’re right about that, Sunshine. But when Jake comes home in the evening I have a feeling he’ll naturally talk his cases out with Adrien — just as Adrien will talk his bookstore and writing frustrations out with Jake. They amuse each other and they enjoy talking to each other, and that’s a big, big plus in a relationship. They enjoy each other’s company.
Did Jake have a lot of friends before coming out or were family and co-workers his social life?
Like most cops, Jake’s official social circle primarily revolved around other cops, so he won’t have as much in common with his old friends, and there’s bound to be some strain with his family. I don’t think he’s a hugely social animal anymore than Adrien is, though, so I don’t know that it will be a problem. The thing with his family will hurt deeply.
Are you purposely trying to avoid overly sentimental moments in your books? Sometimes I feel a little bit snubbed on the emotional closure in your stories, the resolving moments comes so close to the end and then the book is just over. Is this on purpose because you don’t want your stories to turn too sentimental?
The intention isn’t to snub or deliberately thwart readers, it’s just that readers sometimes want things that don’t — strictly from a writing and stylistic standpoint — make for the best book. I realize that sounds contradictory because we publish for readers, after all, but most readers who are deeply engaged in a story and characters always want more. “More” often means one of those little epilogue things where we see the happy couple after the story has essentially ended. As the writer, for me the story ends when the loose ends are tied up. (Unless it’s a series or I think it has potential for a series, in which case some loose ends must be left.)
A lot of my stories close right on the heels of a dramatic arc and to follow that with a scene of cozy togetherness just doesn’t work. I’d have to force it in there and it would weaken the ending, and even change the focus of the story. You have to remember that only a small percentage of my stories are really, technically romances. But on the stories where it makes sense, I have tried to give a little more. Fair Game, Old Poison, The Dickens with Love, Icecapade, etc.
T.C. Blue asks:
Of all the characters you’ve written, which are you most like and which did/do you like the most?
T.C, I’m sure I’ll always have an especial fondness for Adrien — and Jake as well. I really enjoy writing Kit Holmes, but then his voice is actually very similar to Adrien’s. I dearly love the boys of the Dangerous Ground series. All my characters naturally share certain similarities, and part of that similarity is bound to be me — you can’t cut the creator out of the mix entirely.
Davina wants to know –
How do you feel about fan fiction written using your characters? Have you ever read any of it?
I find the idea entertaining, Davina, but I don’t want to see it — not least for potential legal problems. It’s flattering readers love the characters that much.
RDAFAN7 has a couple of questions
Since your spec-fic has proven successful, what other genres do you plan/hope to write for? (Autobiographies, “mainstream fic”, poetry, etc..)
Hey there, RDAFAN7! I do plan on focusing on mainstream fiction in 2012. I have a couple of historical mystery projects I’ve been putting off for a while, but I’m finding myself increasingly eager to get to them.
You show such a diverse interest in your readings…….If you could invite 3 famous people throughout history to Christmas dinner, who would they be and what would you serve?
I’d love to have dinner with some of those old Black Mask writers — in particular Raymond Chandler, Erle Stanley Gardner, and Raoul Whitfield. Or maybe we should invite Norbert Davis and I could try to talk him out of killing himself. I’d be sure to serve plenty of booze, beyond that…not sure we’d make it dinner.
A number of readers would like to know if there is any possibility that you’ll do more fantasy like Strange Fortune? Or more paranormal stories like The Dark Farewell?
As a matter of fact, I’m doing an anthology with Ginn Hale, Nikki Kimberling, and Astrid Amara next year called The Irregulars. I’m really looking forward to that one. And also next year will be the launch of the Sword and Pentacles series. It was a great disappointment that I ran out of time for it this year, but it’s not something to rush.
Ever thought of writing an FBI crime series with characters similar to the ones in Fair Game and with that level of crime-solving?
I think part of the key to my success has been that I found a niche that no one was really exploring, and I made it my own. So, yes, I have to put up with some teasing, but I’ve pretty much cornered the market on the cops and white collar professional pairings. *g* There are a lot of people writing FBI agents in one variation or another. I don’t know that I have anything fresh to bring to the autopsy table.
Patty has a question for you
I know that you like to push yourself in your writing to take risks and write in genres that are new and different. Young adult novels are very popular right now. Have you given any thought to writing a YA story? Is this something you might consider doing in the future?
Yes. I’ve thought about it quite a bit, actually.
I have a few more questions for you
OF COURSE YOU DO. (You didn’t have to get mad) 🙂
I would like to ask about my new favourite series – Dangerous Ground. You screwed yourself royally with the way that book 3, Blood Heat ended. We now have a situation that is somewhat similar to the AE series when Jake married Kate, although it’s not quite as bad. Did you know in advance that you were going to end Blood Heat the way you did? As I was reading the story I kind of figured that was the only logical way to end it. If you did plan to finish the story the way you did, you must have another plan in that brain of yours to get Will and Taylor out of the quagmire you created. Do you? If so, does that plan include conjugal visits? (OK I know they are not married but they might as well be.) lol.
This is where creativity is such a weird thing. As I wrote Blood Heat I kept waiting for the solution to Will going to Paris to occur. The next book in the series was supposed to be Will and Taylor going to visit Will’s family. But as Blood Heat progressed, I realized that logically, given Will’s personality, he was going to take that damned job. I considered ripping the entire thread out because it’s going to be a lot more work than I wanted to invest having those two running around Paris, but…I have to figure that dilemma popped up for a reason, so I went with it.
When I reviewed Blood Heat Aunt Lynn posed this question:
I think there are more books in the series coming, and I am wondering if Josh feels the same, or if this is the end?
Now, Aunt Lynn, surely you know me well enough by now to know that would be a very cruel place to leave readers? When have I ever been that hard-hearted?
I have a follow-on question: What can we look forward to in Will’s and Taylor’s next adventure? Do you have a target date when fans can expect book 4? You do know that many fans of this series want to slap you for what you did in Blood Heat and are anxiously awaiting its resolution?
I don’t have my calendar in front of me, but I think I have that planned for next summer. My editor at Loose Id is on sick leave, so some of this stuff won’t be finalized until I have her back to brainstorm with, but if I’m not mistaken, I believe Lieutenant Commander David Bradley will also be in Paris around the time Will is.
And last, yes, there is an end to all my questions, what about British spy Mark Hardwicke and his lover Dr. Stephen Thorpe from I Spy Something Bloody and I Spy Something Wicked, is this the end of the line for them? I became quite attached to this couple and I was hoping (greedy as usual) that I might see them again someday soon.
I don’t have any plans at this time to revisit them, but…never say never.
Before you leave I have to tell you that you hurt the feelings of the boyz in the hot tub when you commented a week ago that you thought they had all drowned. 🙁 They felt this was heartless and cruel, and Billy (he’s the one who runs around naked and loves to give erotic massages since he’s practicing for a career as a masseur in a sleazy massage parlour) thought you should make it up to them for being so mean. What do you have to say for yourself Josh? [They are all splashing around in the tub right now drinking something they claim is beer but TJ, who has had the pleasure, ^_^says it’s more like Long Island Iced tea.] 🙂
I confess to being partial to Long Island iced tea. And if I drink enough of them, I’ll probably answer just about anything. So hi, guys! Fire away.
They did have a couple of questions they hope you will answer since you’re all about the characters. What do you look for in your ideal man other than he must love Irish coffees and be able to rock the bed? Sorry, I meant rock the house. 🙂
He must be able to MAKE Irish coffee. I don’t care if he drinks them. ;-D Seriously, I look for — well, back in the day when I was still looking — intelligence, shared interests, a sense of humor, and a great deal of patience. I’ve always been an obsessive workaholic, and I’ll be the first to admit it’s not easy on relationships. It’s not a healthy way to be and it is once again going to top the list of my New Year’s Resolutions. [That is such a boring answer – where’s the sex?]
Also, Billy heard that Fair Game, your first book for Carina Press was a No. 1 bestseller. As always he has both eyes to the main chance and he was wondering whether you would be sharing some of all that money you made with him? He mentioned that he was looking to improve his wardrobe and as far as I’m concerned anything is a step up from going naked. lol
Hmm. I dunno. Naked looks pretty good on Billy. I think the other boys might not approve of a Billy Makeover
He also wants to know which of your characters would you like to do the nasty with make love to?
Jake, definitely Jake. That boy has every bedroom skill known to man. He prides himself on being the best that he can be.
As always, Josh, thank you for your time. We’re all looking forward to seeing you on the site in your new role starting in January and I want to thank you for accepting BTW. How many Irish coffees did you have before you made the decision to accept my invitation? Okay you don’t have to answer that because I promised no more questions. lol
Thanks for inviting me again, Wave. I give you a lot of grief, but I always enjoy your brutal grilling interviews. And I’m looking forward to January!
Thanks so much, Cayendi. It’s great reading this.
(I must admit he is a tempting morsel)
Thank you, Wave. I’m touched and fla–OH. You mean BILLY. 😀
I don’t know Josh, the thought of you as a tempting morsel is the stuff of either dreams or nightmares. See, I tried to picture you as you’re writing, in a cardigan, light blue shirt to match your eyes, glasses perched on your nose and a fountain pen nearby with the bottle of ink open, and a bottle of Irish whisky nearby just in case things are going badly with your latest ms ….NAH… I’ll just imagine Jake and try to figure out how to get into his pants. 🙂
Yeah, really. And me continuing to dip the quill pen in the Irish whisky and frowning at the invisibly ink effect — right before I reach for a drink from the ink well.
Poor Kit. I guess he has a more annoying learning curve than Adrien or Jake because it’s all about coming to terms with who he is — and right now who he is…is anxious and insecure and worried. And, given the things that have happened to him, with cause. ;-P
It’s not heroic, but I think it’s realistic.
It’s 41 if you count the print editions and the freebies and that note I wrote excusing LB Gregg from class one day.
Oh, I’m not saying Kit doesn’t have just cause, but I still want to smack him. Tough love, you know. 😉
Ah, so maybe I’m not as bad a fangirl as I thought, because (aside from Strange Fortune) I generally only buy e-books.
Why do I hear the melody for “Where is the love…?”
After a revision thanks to a nudge from Antonella the total is actually now up to 42 1/2, the half being the free story The French have a Word for it *G*.
I could always add a sex scene and re-release it. 😀
You know people like this? The bathroom smells like roses? Holy crap! (sorry)’
Yes, I do, and I seriously want to hit them. lol
I confess I don’t know Billy, but would anyone really have a problem with him flaunting his body?
I know this has all been covered by the other posters, but I just wanted to thank Josh for the wonderful books and say thanks to Wave and Josh for letting us get to know you a bit through interviews like this–I always feel like I know the characters a bit better when I know the author a bit better–and you and your characters are really fascinating people to know.
Also, I’m really proud of myself for not gushing over how much I love Adrien and Kit… just sayin’. 😉
Aw, thank you, Jamie. That’s so lovely to read.
Thanks, Josh. The Sword and Pentacles series sounds spectacular. An amazing amount of research must have been put into the 1930s, AU or not. I very much look forward to reading them!
Just in case you were thinking “series,” action/adventure, hot guys etc. and those beady little eyes of yours light up at the thought of reviewing an entire JL series, please note that you will have to fight off a couple of people. Please don’t think of bribing Josh. lol. I’m on to your tricks. 🙂
Oh, Wave. I have big blue eyes, silly. *g*
Wave, I love Alanis & U2, but I have a feeling we should probably never take a road trip together. 🙂
Ah Jake. I swear he’s one of the most fascinating characters in print or e-ink. I have so many unanswered questions about him. He’s one of the few characters out there that I would love to root around in his head for a while, just to get a fix on his thought processes, experiences and feelings. That’s not to mention his bed. Damn. 🙂
Thanks, Josh and Wave….great Q & A!
Thanks for stopping in, Sherry!
It should be good. I’ve seen half of Ginn’s story and Astrid’s outline and I know how clever Nikki is…I’m scared to death I won’t live up to them.
Is it an anthology with all stories sharing one universe, like in Hell Cops?
Yes. This time it’s sort of a mix of law enforcement tracking down illegal magical artifacts. Kind of hard to explain, but it’s really quite incredible what they’re all coming up with.
Great interview Wave and Josh! I am currently feverishly working my way through The Adrien English AND Dangerous Ground Series…..and I finished Icecapade and The Dickens With Love recently. All I can say is: I love each and every character you write and look forward to being able to say I have read ALL of your books. (as Wave knows, I have a huge TBB and TBR pile put I WILL persevere lol!) Thanks for the insight into some of your guys! 🙂
It’s a thankless task, Elaine. I’ll just turn around and write more!
You never did say exactly how many books you have written. Poor Elaine.
The consensus seems to be 41.
Well, I guess I’d be a little sorry if everyone agreed that there was nothing left to say in the AE series.
Thanks for all the support you give!
Thanks, Dianne. I can’t wait to get my hands on it!
Exactly, Dianne! They got pretty much everything anyone could want — including MY puppy.
Seriously, thank you for the kind comments. I’m delighted you’re enjoying the stories so much.
For someone who hasn’t been without a German Shepherd (or two or three) for over 30 years, I had to squee when you gave them “your'” puppy and had him on the bed with them. Sex without a dog on the end of the bed would be foreign to me…..:-)
LOL. I do fondly remember those days.
Doesn’t he howl???
Why yes he often does…..oh, you meant the dog……
Gaycrow, I just think of ebooks as supplementary to print. It doesn’t have to be an either/or. You can still enjoy both!
Thanks for the kind words, by the way. So glad you’ve enjoyed the stories.
You know, I’m not sure if readers have a favorite or not, but Taylor does seem to be the focus of my…um…attention. Poor thing. *g*
Hey there, Eve. Thanks for all this — and I don’t know if you noticed that you were one of the winners of the His for the Holiday playlist?
Thanks Eve for the Christmas wishes.
These interviews are damn hard work trying to come up with questions Josh hasn’t been asked before but Billy had the last laugh when he gave J the opportunity for his best tag line
Just the first three words would be exceptional. He should pay me for giving him all of these opportunities to exercise his facility with the English language.
I’ll have to get you drunk on Irish coffee and tell you I did pay you — and that you must have forgotten. That USUALLY works with my other creditors. ;-D
“Part of Kit’s character arc is his coming of age — accepting his age — and that will entail realizing that life doesn’t end at forty.”
Geez, I hope not! Being past um, 40 and then some, I like that Kit is older and struggling.
Great interview guys. Always a pleasure to read these.
Thanks, TJ. I always think discontent with age comes more from not achieving the things you planned on achieving rather than the physical years.
One day Kit will realise that life starts at 40 😀
*says an optimistic 40+*
Great interview!
Maybe I’m a bit weird, but I didn’t realise when I read it that The Dark Tide was definitely the last in the series, but I remember thinking “I’m not sure where Josh can go with this now as they’ve got their happy ending”…
That said, a short story narrated by Jake would be fun to read 😀
I haven’t read the Holmes and Moriarty series yet, but it sounds like they’d be just my sort of thing. Hmmm – I wonder if I still have time to add things to my Christmas wish list? 😀
Thank you.
Have you checked the list of books that will be donated Christmas Eve. I think Josh may have donated one of those that’s on your list, but you have to get here early since the giveaway is on a first come first served basis. 🙂
Never to late to add to the letter to Santy Clause, Josephine. At least not in this house. *g*
Jake, definitely Jake. That boy has every bedroom skill known to man. He prides himself on being the best that he can be.
Presumably by now Adrien has managed to make him “see that it could be good without the improper use of kitchen utensils”.
a little short story set during that Christmas trip to London
Jake and Adrien driving on the wrong side through London Christmas traffic (chuntering about the congestion charge) would be fabulous!
Seriously. The idea of Jake in London with Adrien’s kinfolk make me chuckle — without writing a word. *g*
My graying haired self would like to thank you Josh for Kit and Jake. It’s nice to have characters that I can relate to.
Thanks, Shanne. I confess to laughing my tail off at some of the things that happen to Kit.
The day Wave stops asking is the day I’ll be concerned.
AND relieved..
Juuuust kiiiidding.
I do enjoy these interviews. Wave comes up with good questions and then by throwing it open to readers…well, it’s always surprising and fun.
Now I’m insulted. See if you’re on the “nice” list next year.
Heh. ;-P
Josh, I find it very cool that you share your creative thinking with us. Considering character motivation and what your characters would do in Real Life is eye-opening; it also helps readers understand how things end or go the way they do in your books. There’s some comfort in that. Thanks for answering all the questions!
I don’t know if this helps or not, but if authorial intent counts for anything, I really do see my characters making a successful go of their relationships. I may not follow them every step of the way, but I write smart people — yes sometimes they make dumb mistakes, but they’re still smart people who are willing to try to get it right for this other person.
Excellent interview,thanks, Wave and Josh. Quick plea on behalf of fans based in the UK – I know that you have limited control over this sort of thing, Josh, but please could you take every chance to make your work easier to obtain here? Some of it comes up quite quickly on the-ubiquitous-online-bookstore-with-no-name, but some does not. Still can’t get hold of Blood Heat, for example!
Oh! By the way, not sure if this helps or not, but BLOOD HEAT just went on sale at All Romance Ebooks.
You can order it easily from Loose Id. I have ordered from them both from Germany and the UK with no problems whatsoever.
Thanks, Lia.
Great as always, especially to hear about Adrien and Jake. The only extra scenes I’d have liked to see was Jake and Emma as they never met on page , but was never relevant to story I guess. That series is the ONLY perfect one I’ve ever read, and reread.
I am so looking forward to meeting Kit again and I never thought of him as less attractive than your usual hero, just self deprecating and insecure .
*I* think that’s true, Raine. I was startled when a couple of readers complained about how unattractive he was. But…not everyone is good at reading between the lines.
In fact, not everyone is good at even reading the lines! *g*
HG, I wish I knew what to do about that. It’s very disturbing to hear!