Title: Sno Ho (Summit City #1)/Life Infusion (Summit City #2)
Author: Ethan Day
Publisher: Self Published
Edition: Second Edition
Release Date: October 30, 2015
Genre(s): Romantic Comedy/Contemary
Page Count: 98 Sno Ho/270 Life in Fusion
Reviewed by: Gigi
Heat Level: 5 flames out of 5
Rating: 5+ stars out of 5
Sno Ho: Boone Daniels seems to have trouble finishing things. Along with the half dozen or so novels he’s started, only to abandon mid-way through, his love life could be best described as a series of drive-by’s.
Boone has spent the past week staying at a ski-lodge in the tiny mountain town of Summit City. He’s been using his time alone to write while waiting for his boyfriend to join him for their anniversary.
What happens to Boone when he winds up dumped on the eve of his one-year anniversary and ends up at a bar having one too many cocktails? Wade Walker.
Life Infusion: Aspiring author, Boone Daniels, always figured love would be as easy as he was. Fresh off a whirlwind winter-vacation romance with ski-god and would-be boyfriend, Wade Walker – Boone was certain that saying goodbye would be the hardest part.
He’d survived the unconventional way in which they came together, proven himself somewhat worthy to Wade’s hometown of Summit City, and felt certain the self-imposed, six month boy-buffer would prove one thing – their fate was to be forever entwined.
Once real life settles in, Boone suffers the realization that no one ever actually said love was easy and that even after you fall, you can still break. As their two worlds collide, he begins to understand that if he can navigate the landscape of life in fusion, he just might get that happily-ever-after…after all.
started as a short story in the anthology back in 2009. It was so wildly popular with fans that Mr. Day wrote , a novel-length sequel in 2010 and published as a novella. There is also a lovely epilogue of sorts in that was published in 2011. I read both books for the first time in August 2012 and re-read Mr. Day’s new editions (which do not contain new material) in November 2015. I loved them the first read, and loved them all over again the second.
There are so many things to love about this series. The first thing that struck me was just how funny they are! Boone is absolutely hilarious and deliciously snarky. His inner monologue had me laughing-out-loud as I read, and I can promise you that doesn’t happen often. The sex here is melt-the-paint-off-the-walls hot. Seriously scorching. It is filled to the brim with romance and passion. Boone and Wade are perfect together and Wade’s love for Boone brought tears to my eyes. He was just love-stupid for Boone and I can’t get enough of that kind of connection.
If that weren’t enough, the angst here is fantastic and exactly the type of conflict I enjoy reading in M/M romance. Fights! Snark! Hurt/healing/comfort! Jealousy! Separation anxiety! Angry sex! Gah, I was in hog-heaven.
If you haven’t had the pleasure of reading this series, you are seriously missing out. Warm & fuzzy, sexy, funny and compelling. The perfect read.
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