Title: Bad Behavior (Bad in Baltimore #5)
Author: K.A. Mitchell
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Release Date: December 16, 2014
Genre(s): Contemporary
Page Count: 366
Reviewed by: Kristin
Heat Level: 3 flames out of 5
Rating: 3 stars out of 5
David Beauchamp might as well be in jail. After one too many misunderstandings with the law, he’s chained to the city by the GPS and alcohol sensor strapped to his ankle. Awaiting trial, cut off from usual forms of entertainment, he goes looking for a nameless sexual encounter and winds up with almost more than he can handle.
Reality comes crashing back the next day with a summons for another random drug test, and the man behind the badge turns out to be the very man who took him for one hell of a ride.
Probation Officer Tai Fonoti is used to handling other people’s problems, but he’s horrified when one of the clients his boss dumps on him is the sweet piece of ass he screwed the night before. It makes getting a urine sample a pretty loaded situation.
That single encounter left Beach craving Tai’s unique brand of control and discipline. But while Tai relishes laying down the law in the bedroom, the letter of the law stands between them and kinkily ever after.
Warning: This book is kinky. I mean kinky. With lots of sex. It describes a fully consensual, intense D/s relationship which changes a character’s life. It includes impact play and bondage along the way to a very happily ever after.
If you read the book blurb “warning” above, that about sums up the book. Lots of sex. By chapter 17 I have to admit I was *yawn*, oh, ‘nother D/s scene in which David realizes how grounded he is having Tai tell him what to do. If you don’t care for BSDM, even light D/s, then perhaps skip this installment.
David is also supposedly 34 years old, but partway through the book it felt like his age dropped down to about 24 years old. I had trouble reminding myself David was in his mid-30’s. It was the temper tantrums between the sex that gave me this impression, and perhaps this was on purpose to define “Beach” from “David”.
The story arc is really about two men finding themselves, and in doing so, they come to find each other. It’s a solo journey for each, but they are taking it together. They have some help from friends along the way, some of it is helpful input, and…some, not so much. I liked that it wasn’t instant “He’s so good for you!”. Beaches’ friend Gavin means well, but even after knowing someone for 20 years, Gavin still doesn’t know everything about Beach and some misguided but well intended information added a nice touch to the plot. It was actually refreshing to have a friend say something less than complimentary, too often in m/m books the friend is the gushy cheerleader type and that trope has become a bit overdone.
Additional kudo’s to a plot line that did not lead to what I thought would be the ultimate conflict in a book – so as not to give any big spoilers, this would have been related to Tai’s job but it wasn’t. Nicely done.
Bad in Baltimore Series
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