Author: Mercy Celeste
Cover Artist: Reese Dante
Buy Link: Need You Now
Genre: Contemporary M/M Romance
Length: Novella (94 pages)
Rating: 5 stars out of 5
A Guest Review by Sammy
Review Summary: After loss and loneliness, two men finally realize their friendship was always meant to be something more.
Blurb: After walking in on his college roommate and his best gal pal having sex, Jake Benefield knows he has to let go of the crush he’s had on Logan Riley for four long years. He leaves to pursue a graduate degree only to discover love and loss. Home again, the last thing he expects is for Logan to confess his feelings for him. Can their friendship survive a one night stand or is Logan looking for more than Jake is ready to give him?
Review: Wow. There! I said it. Just, WOW. And it’s in caps–I know–scary really–to make it that big–the caps and all. But…oh my….this little precious gem of a story–well, it is worth every keystroke I am about to put down and then some. However before I tell you just how much I loved this novella, allow me a few disclaimers.
But first, let’s explore what Need You Now by Mercy Celeste is not.
1. It is not a full length novel–there is no massive storyline; instead this is a snapshot–a glimpse into the ongoing story of two men who have secretly loved each other for years.
2. It is not a ghost story–yes it does have remembrances and even visions of a lost love. Jake’s former partner, Michael, does figure into this story that is all about letting go and learning to trust one’s heart again–but he is not a ghost per say–rather a fragile memory that needs to be released in order for Jake to go on living.
3. It is not a gay or out for you story. Logan is bisexual, out and proud, and only regrets the fact that he pursued so much mindless sex with too many partners in the attempt to put to rest his secret longing for his former college roommate, Jake.
4. Finally, it is not a “let me save you cause I have my life all together” kind of love story. No, this is a story of two men who mutually save one another from a life of loneliness and deep yearning. Two men who finally look each other in the eye and put aside their fears of rejection and embrace each other in a love that has lived in the shadows for far too many years.
Need You Now is a beautifully written story of love–love that has hidden and languished while other life events have intervened. Logan has been waiting–waiting for Jake to admit to him that which he suspects–that he was gay; waiting for Jake to throw just one glance–one loving look his way so that he could show his friend how very much he has wanted him in his life, by his side.
Jake, after suffering in silence, witnessing his friend having sex with Darla, his other best friend, and then later losing a partner to a hideous accident for which he blames himself, finds that he cannot even stand to be in the same room as Logan. For you see, his feelings–his love for Logan have never really died–they have simply been forced away as a means for Jake to survive.
They come together in an explosion of lust and longing marked by confessions and endless revelations that will have you gasping in amazement and blushing at the heat of their encounter. The sex…hotter than hot. The love…stunning beyond imagination. The story…one of the best I have ever read.
But…but, remember dear reader-this is a taste–a tease–a mere few seconds of two lives finally colliding at just the right time in order for their love to finally ignite. Dear, dear reader…this is a must read for any of you who simply want to see two men who have lived in confusion and moments of great despair finally find their happily ever after.
And so, I offer to you Need You Now by Mercy Celeste…as always, you must decide. So, won’t you? Take this one to bed with you tonight–you will not regret it!
Sammy…I’m so glad you liked this book. Mercy has some great books out there! You should read Behind Iron Lace next. Her books are among my favorites
Crissy–I just ordered it up from Amazon–ahahaha–thanks for the rec.!
Sammy great review!
I couldn’t put this book down and I have all her books on my ebooks shelf.
I love Mercy’s writing
This was my first–but certainly not my last!!!
LOL–Poor Wave has been working too hard and not getting enough sleep. ;-D
Great review! Josh L and others have gotten me to appreciate novellas. I will soon be like Wave and appreciate pamphlets.
I will be getting this so I can enjoy a lovely crafted romance with my glass of wine.
Thanks Sammy- Have a good weekend =D
Thanks Reggie–enjoy!!!
After such a heartfelt review I have no option but to put this book on my TBR this weekend. Thank you for this or I would have overlooked this book. Great review.
ahh Thanks Raine–hope you enjoy it!
Sorry Sammy
You can kick me later.
My brain is fried. Forgive me but Raine usually reviews on Friday and I didn’t check to see whose review this was.